Ecommerce Financing Solutions to Help You Grow


Getting money to run a
business is always hard, but the good news is that if you’re looking for money,
that means your business is growing! While starting a business, we all need
money at some point. Money is at the heart of everything, from a young company
trying to start up to a well-established business that wants to grow.

Without money, the
consequences can be fatal. 90% of start-ups fail in their first four years,
according to a study. This is mainly because there isn’t enough money for
growth and expansion. How does one become one of the top 10% of people?

The good news is that
there are many ways to get money to pay for things. What is most necessary is
to think about your options and choose the best one for your business. So, you
need to think about your business and the available options before making a
decision. It’s not one size fits all.

What is
eCommerce Financing?

It’s a way to get
money for businesses that sell things online (shops running on WordPress or Shopify). eCommerce lending helps
online businesses grow, pay for marketing, and make more money. Online sellers
use E-commerce funding to keep their cash flow stable and meet their payment
obligations. These payments also cover things like advertising and affiliate
programs. eCommerce sales have risen a lot in the last few years, and this is
why. There was a pandemic at the time, and many stores couldn’t sell their
goods through normal channels.

When you want to make
a new digital picture of your shop, it can take a long time and cost money. Key Opinion Leaders (KOL), also known as influencers or content creators, play a
vital role in the eCommerce world. It takes a significant toll on your business
growth because of your marketing costs.

Many businesses are
getting money from eCommerce corporate grants to help them earn money.

When it comes
to E-commerce financing, how does it all work?

In most cases, the
Financing Company lends money to the Seller. The Seller pays back the lender
every 15 days with the money from the sales on the e-commerce platform. The
credit team at the financing company looks at how likely it is that the
application will be approved. So, the team can do a thorough risk analysis. The
team looks at qualitative and quantitative factors when they figure out how
much money is needed. As an example:

        Turnover for the

Flow” (for example, the past 12 months)

        Analysis of stocks
(flow of goods, materials management.)

        Sales are doing

Then, the eCommerce Financing Platform gives the
Seller credit limits (credit allowance) from the platform.

When is the
best time to get money for your eCommerce business?

If you decide to seek
funds too soon, you may encounter issues of not being prepared or undervaluing
your firm. You may not be able to expand if you choose to seek funds too late.
This is why it is critical to respond fast.

The problematic aspect
is that there is no perfect or wrong moment to begin seeking funds for your
company. This is the most crucial point. You must have a crisp and precise
objective in mind, as well as a strategy for how you want to spend the
additional income to achieve it.

5 ways to get
money for an eCommerce business

It doesn’t work for
every business to use the same type of funding. To grow and make more money,
you need to choose the right eCommerce finance for you. It’s not going to be
possible for your business to get all of the money it needs from different
sources. Some types of funding work better at other points in a company. We’ll
look at five of the best ways to get money for your eCommerce business:

1. Financing Based on Revenue

financing is a new and exciting way to get money to buy things on the web. In
business, it is a way for companies to earn money from people who want to help
them. On the other hand, investors get a share of the company’s ongoing profits
as a payment for the money they put in.

It is becoming very
popular with eCommerce businesses because it is easy to get and doesn’t have a
lot of risks. Investors usually use data to make decisions about giving money
based on how much money a company makes. For the investor to provide you with the
money, your business must be viable and profitable. But this also means that if
your business does well, you know the investor thinks it will work out.

Businesses get the
money they need without giving up control of their business or taking on debt.
If you invest, you get a share of the company’s profits every month until a
certain amount has been paid back to you.

There are 3 top good
reasons to choose revenue-based financing, such as these:

        No guarantor is

        Flat fee

        Faster Approvals

These are some reasons
that show how easy and cheap it is for businesses to get this kind of money. As
we’ll learn later in the article, other ways to earn money are more expensive
(loans) or weaken your company (investors). Keep complete control of your
business and get the cash you need to grow with revenue-based financing. You
pay a flat fee that is determined by your revenue.

There are a lot of
businesses that get money based on how much money they make and go on to make a
lot of money. In our opinion, this is the best way to earn money for an
eCommerce business that wants to grow.

2. Bootstrapping

People use the term
“bootstrapping” to describe the process of building a company from
the ground up with money from their own savings.

Bootstrapping is the
most ideal and common way to start a business, but it is often liked to get
money. Many people find it hard to choose this path. It can put all of the
financial risks on the people who start businesses, leading to bankruptcy if
they don’t work out.

Having too few
resources can slow down a business’s growth, make it hard to market, and
sometimes make a product or service less good or honest than it should be. If
done correctly, bootstrapping allows the entrepreneur to keep 100% of the
company and 100% of the power.

3. Grants

There are also grants
for small businesses and start-ups. A Grant is “free money” given to
a business by the government, a company, or a person who wants to help.

In business, grants
don’t have to be paid back. Often, they’re given to encourage jobs, green
projects, or more economic benefits for local communities. They are sometimes
given to help small businesses stay competitive in the market.

Grants are often
available based on where the business was started, what type of business or
because it is, or who the community is.

As you might expect,
the headline “free money” draws much attention from businesses. There
is a lot of competition as everyone wants to get money from the government for
free. So even though it’s free, you’ll have to do a lot of research and
pitching to get this kind of money.

4. Equity-Based Financing

When you start a small
business, bootstrapping and grants may be enough money to get started. But when
your business grows, you may not be able to use these options anymore.

Unfortunately, as your
need for more money grows, so does the amount of control you give up. There are
many ways to get money through equity financing. You can sell a share of your
business to someone in exchange for cash. If a business needs money to pay its
bills or wants to invest in its growth, this is usually done. It’s like a company
is giving up some of its own in exchange for money.

There are various
types of equity financing, but the most common are:

        Angel Investors.

        Private Equity.

        Venture Capital.

        Initial Public

In many businesses,
this type of financing is used a lot during becoming more stable and stable.

5. Debt Financing

Debt financing is
another way to get money for a business. It means taking out a loan to make
money for your business. Getting a loan is the most common way of earning money
to pay for things you own.

The business must pay
back the principal and interest on the debt over time in exchange for the
money. This method allows companies to get a lump sum of cash right away. The
lender makes money when the businesses pay back the money.

It’s kind of like
this: debt financing is the opposite of equity financing. In one, you take on
debt to get money. On the other, you sell stock to earn money. There are two
main types:

        Business credit


        LOC (Lines of

Debt financing, like
bootstrapping, can be dangerous because it puts the business in debt to grow,
which can be bad for them. Your business must evolve so that you can repay the
lender. Otherwise, you could go broke.


Hopefully, this
article has shown you how vital it is to thoroughly consider your alternatives
when deciding how to finance your company. Financing might be frightening.
Putting your own money at risk, going into debt, or giving up a portion of the
firm you founded are all terrifying concepts.

However, if you adopt
the appropriate eCommerce finance plan, your company will be financially
secure. If you want your company to grow and succeed, you must begin with this. 

Author BioAline Huseby is a
Sales & Marketing Manager at ChargeAfter. She would like to share content
on the Finance Industry like Point of Sales financing,
Buy now Pay later, consumer
financing &
Ecommerce financing for the valuable readers.

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