How to use Shopify for Building an Ecommerce Store?

The latest craze among people who are into online business is learning how to use Shopify for building an eCommerce store. They have come to realize that this is one of the best solutions that they can get when it comes to establishing an online store. This company has made it possible for entrepreneurs and beginners alike to have an easy time building their eCommerce stores. They have made the process very easy and affordable for every person who wants to start up his own online store.

There are two things that you need to understand before you start using Shopify for your online store. First, you need to know the different types of options that you have when it comes to setting up your online store. Second, you need to know how to use the available features to have a successful online store. As we go through this article, you will be able to learn how to use these features to have a successful online store.

The first thing that you have to understand when it comes to setting up an online store with Shopify is the basic architecture of the store. You have to know how to build it based on what you need for your online store. There are six different types of features that you can choose from depending on the type of store that you will be setting up. You can use all of them or just choose one best suited for the type of store you will be building.

Once you have decided on which feature you want to have, then you can build your store. All you have to do is choose the category that you will be putting your products or items in. The next thing that you have to do is to go to the categories selection page and click on the drop-down menu which says to add a category. Once you have selected a category, you can now add the items that you want to add to your store.

The third step in learning how to use Shopify for building an eCommerce store is by using the store builder. This is a page where you can build your store from scratch. If you are not familiar with it, then you can read the instructions or watch an instructional video on how to use it to build a store. If you want to add more features to your store, later on, you have to remember to add the features one by one to the store builder page. After you have finished building the store, you can now submit it to Shopify so that it will be available for your customers to access.

The last step in learning how to use Shopify for building an eCommerce store is to link all the pages together. By creating a linking structure between each page of your store, you can save yourself a lot of time in updating and adding new information to each of the pages in your store. Also, the linking process will make your store look neat and organized.

Best Themes for Shopify

Shopify itself has 100+ Free themes. You can always use them for building your eCommerce store. But there are some other sources like Themeisle and Debutify that are the highest-converting Shopify theme providers. They provide everything you need to build a Shopify eCommerce store which includes: fast and mobile-ready theme, high converting add-ons, built-in winning products, and service, they also have training videos and blogs for boosting the conversion rate of your store.

However, these themes are paid, but there are sources like SavingSays from where you can get Themeisle and Debutify Coupons up to 50% OFF and save money on your subscription plans.

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Shopify Free Trial

If you are curious to know whether Shopify is going to work for you or not? You can always test it by taking a 14-day free trial. So before subscribing to any monthly plan you take a 14-day free trial and after the trial period ends, you won’t lose your work, neither there will be any changes at your store. After the Free period, you’ll be left with a complete choice either to build your store on WordPress or continue with Shopify.

Advantages of using Shopify for Ecommerce

  • Easy to setup
  • User-friendly
  • SEO friendly
  • Security and reliability
  • Fast loading speed
  • Powerful marketing tools
  • Mobile-friendly
  • 24*7 customer support
  • Own payment gateway

A Step-by-Step guide on how to build a store with Shopify

1) Create an account with Shopify

First of all, visit and start your 14-day free trial. Once you’ll apply for a Free Trial, you’ll be required to fill details. You don’t need designing skills. You have complete control over the look and feel of your store, from its layout to content and colors.

2) Explore the Shopify admin screen

After filling up the details, enter your desired store name and after that, you’ll be directed towards the admin dashboard of your store. Setting up the payment method, currency, shipping, choosing the theme, all it can be done on this page.

3) Choose and Customize your Theme

There are many Shopify themes that you can use to customize your store. You can also find some Free themes within Shopify. But if you are looking for a theme, that would increase your conversion rates and boost your sales within a few days of getting your store live, then you should opt for some premium themes.

They are user-friendly, SEO-optimized, Easy to set up, powerful, and mobile-friendly also.

4) Add your products

After uploading your desired theme, add your products to the catalog. You can also vary each product by a different category at your store. While adding products, also add a unique description of each product to make it more attractive.

5) Optimize your settings (shipping, payments, etc.)

Setting up your currency is very necessary. Whether you are selling in the UK or the USA, you have to change your currency settings according to the country you are selling in. After that add up your payment method, like how you want to charge your customers. There are many options available for a charging method. You can select the one that suits you the most.

To change your payment settings:

From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > General.
In the Store currency section, select the preferred currency.
Click Save.

6) Test your store

It’s a good step to test your store before you start taking orders. With the help of Bogus gateway, you can make sure that order processing, inventory management, notifications, shipping method, charge method, taxes, everything is working fine.

For Testing your store:

Go to Settings → Payment providers, and deactivate any payment provider that you have enabled. Then click through Accept credit cards → Add a provider → Third-party credit card provider → Provider → Other → Bogus Gateway → Continue → and Activate the gateway.

After that, visit your store just like a customer and place an order, and you’ll know if you’ve done all the things the right way.

You can also test the system with a genuine transaction by using your actual credit card and then check if the funds are transferring. Make sure to cancel your order immediately to avoid any transaction fees and get a refund.

7) Add a custom Domain Name

You can just one step away from getting your store live. Add a specific domain name to your Shopify store. Just like any other WordPress site, you’ll also need a domain for your Shopify store.

Shopify assigns you a default domain from example You can always change the URL only to your domain name. If you’ve already purchased a domain from somewhere else, there’s no need to worry about it. You can use that domain for your Shopify store, without any restrictions.

Congratulations! It’s now Live


Shopify is the best platform for building an eCommerce store recommended by the top entrepreneurs. It is the platform from where you can easily start a million-dollar dropshipping business and increase your conversion rates by boosting your sales within a few days of getting live. For setting up a Shopify store, you don’t need to be a WordPress developer or a java expert. You can optimize your Shopify store by using the elements within your website.

Some big brands on Shopify

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