Importance of Domain Authority in Rankings and How It Work?

Importance of Domain Authority in Rankings and How DA Work

Do you want the know one single factor that
can predict the future of your online business?

If yes, then you are at the right place
because I am going to discuss domain authority and its importance.

Every entrepreneur who has set up a
website, a blog, or an e-commerce online store is anxious to know how their
website ranking will increase on Google result pages.

More than enough information creates more
confusion let alone solve this mystery. Amidst much fuss, a sane voice often
goes unheard. 

If you have an online platform and want to
increase your business through ranking on SERPs, then stick to this article as
I am going to decipher the term.

What is Domain Authority?

DA or domain authority is a predictable
score developed first by Moz to foretell how likely your website will sustain
its ranking when compared to your competitors.

Moz is a leading Seo tools website and has
developed this metric to help webmasters understand the competition in the
ranking of their website.

DA score ranges from 1 to 100 assigned to a
website depicting a certain score. A new site will have a score of 1 and a website
with good Seo may have a higher score. 

What is page authority?

PA is a metric similar to DA but lesser in
magnitude. This metric tells the chances of a single webpage appearing in
search results.

Therefore, PA is equally important and it
is said that all PA scores combine to form a single DA score.

How does DA works?

Moz has machine learning algorithms that
check how many times your website appears on SERPs and give your website a

However, they have disclosed the factors
behind these calculations, but they provided their number up to 40.

These 40 factors majorly include external
linking domains and backlinks along with some factors related to them.

Although these factors are much less than
Google’s ranking factors, they act as a solid prediction regarding your

In fact, Moz has already said that Domain
authority or page authority isn’t a Google ranking factor. Instead, DA can act
as a general understanding of a website’s SEO health.

DA score fluctuates and does not remain
stagnant. Firstly, these scores are relative and should be gauged in comparison
with your competitor.

simple words, if you have a domain authority of 20 and your competitor gets a
DA score of 21, then your score will be considered a lower DA score and you
need to improve it just to out-number your competitor.

If you want to compete with your
competitor, you must have to know about the domain authority of your competitor
site. You can figure out the domain authority of your competitor by using an
online DA PA Checker.

online DA PA Checker

Hence you do not need to make your score
near 90. Another reason for fluctuation is the machine learning algorithms.

the algorithms are AI-based so their readings and detection mechanisms
fluctuate because they are continuously reading new data and checking ranking

Importance of DA in ranking your business:

Google hasn’t given any official statement
endorsing the domain authority but substantial evidence provides a handful of
insights that DA affects the ranking.

DA is directly associated with link
building as to acquiring more backlinks and generating good external links to
improve your website position.

Link building is a ranking factor of Google
because like other search engines, it counts links as votes to your website.

Links can be the most important off-page
ranking factor, as the more backlinks, it has, the more votes it gets from
Google. Thus Google prefers such websites as credible and hence your website
gets a higher ranking.

In this way, DA is important to know how a
site ranks. But with the advent of the PageRank algorithm, Google now scores
the quality of a webpage between 0 to 10. These scores refer to the number of
backlinks a page gets.

In this way, backlinks can appear as an
important ranking factor for Google. In other words, more backlinks mean,
better DA score.

One important thing to know is the quality
of your backlinks. Being a small business you won’t get backlinks from high
authority websites, thus you won’t be able to jump up appreciable traffic.

In that case, you won’t be able to increase your website’s traffic which in turn will affect your ranking. With that said,
you can still improve your ranking and hence your DA by getting backlinks in
high quantity.

When your website is full of backlinks from
various relevant sources, you will see a gigantic flow of traffic from
ostensibly unseen sources. You must keep a check on your domain Authority with
the help of the Domain Authority checker. It will help you improve.

online DA Checker

Another DA factor that really impacts your
SEO and site ranking is the quality of your content. Moz checks the content’s
quality and then gives a DA score to your webpage.

It is important because it drives organic
traffic to your website and hence lifts your website position naturally. That’s
why you can’t deny good content and you can’t rank based on backlinks only.

Likewise, People refer to your content
automatically without you asking them for guest posting. This in turn helps you
set up a new audience.

Combining all the above discussion, it is
hence proved that DA is important in ranking your website and improving your

Final Words:

As we know, online business is in fashion
grabbing almost four million people on the internet. Webmasters and bloggers
provide their services through their websites and blogs to promote their

The more people flock towards a website,
the higher it will be ranked and hence more visible to more people.

The question about how can we measure the
ranking can be answered in a single word of domain authority.

It is at the helm of every website’s
ranking and plays a major role in enhancing your business. Grasping this single
factor, you may get appreciable information about your website’s current

Another important thing in this business is
that you have to keep pace with your rivals if you want to make a mark in this

DA also helps you track your competitors
ranking so that you may do pertinent changes in your SEO strategy to acquire
more relevant backlinks to win against others.

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